Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Finally! Scarlett Makes Her Debut!

WOW!  Finally I am here to introduce to you...Scarlett Diane Chamness!  Born on November 4th at 12:54pm.  7 pounds 11 ounces! 

And...she is already 1 month old. I feel terrible for not posting a single thing until now, however, I realize that all of you mom's out there that tried to tell me that having more than one child at home is SUPER DUPER hard were NOT LYING and I should have paid better attention!

Don't mistake me...I am ever so grateful for all three of my beautiful girls, but man this is hard!  I am not even going to pretend that I know what I am doing!  It has been quite the adjustment and the learning of how to multi task and parent more than one child at a time will never stop! 

It's crazy around here each day...

But one thing is for sure...Gabby is a great Big Sister, is Very Helpful and Loves to

her baby sister, Scarlett!  She has to get her "Scarlett Time" in each day.  Gabby is also really great at tending to Scarlett when she loses her pacifier, etc.  Gabby really does not like it when she cries and I can sense that because Gabby will start to act out and be sort of loud when Scarlett is upset.  Funny how that works I think.  I have a feeling the two girls are going to have a great relationship.  Gabby is able to calm Scarlett with her singing voice and words better than me sometimes!  Can you tell by my words that we possibly have a colicky baby on our hands.  Yes!  The pediatrician is not ready to diagnose it at "collic" yet, however, we are definitely on that path and Scarlett fits the profile!  Poor baby!  Anyways, the girls already have a strong bond and I LOVE IT! 

And this is pretty precious too...
Be Back Soon...With Scarlett's Newborn Pictures and Christmas Photos too!!  I am making progress slowly!! 

xoxo, Katie

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