Thursday, August 11, 2011

Let's Play Catch Up....

I think we have been busy? I had to get the camera out of my purse and scroll back through the gazillion pictures in order to play catch up on the blog.  You know to be able to remember everything we did.  I guess that is what pregnancy brain does to you...I am forgetful a lot lately.  Or I just do really crazy things.  For example, when my mother in law calls the HOME phone and I answer, start to talk and before I know it I am half way down the street driving with the cordless phone against my ear!  She says, "didn't I call you on the home phone?" I very gently say goodbye and set the phone down on the console.  Or the other day when someone ran into me, literally, in the grocery store and I told them "I'm so sorry"!  Say what? I wondered why, after the fact, I apologized to someone for not watching where they were going and running into me.  Whatever!  It has been crazy around here.

We finished up library time for the summer a couple of weeks ago.  It is getting ready to start again in a week and a half.  Shows you how far behind I am on posting to the blog.

  I can only imagine how infrequent these posts are going to be when the baby arrives in November.  I hope I can update just as much, however, I think I would be crazy to make any promises. 

The county fair was in town.  We take Gabby each year to see the animals and eat plenty of fair food! This year she decided to interact with the animals more. 
She also loved watching the judges give out the prizes for the competitions.

We attempted the Tractor Pulls.  Daddy -L-OVES the Tractor Pulls!  It happened to be one of the hottest days of the year on this day and Gabby was fidgety in the stands so we ended up leaving early. 

The county fair ended one day and the Old Settlers Fair in Mooresville started the next.  Gabby got to ride in the parade with Grandad.  He is the Commander of the American Legion this year and Gabby got to ride on the convertible with him.  Don't they look like stars? 

He taught her how to parade wave...or 'princess' wave as Gabby calls it...ha ha!  She had a great time and MaMa and I had a great time watching them roll by.  Grampy stopped by also.  So Gabby and Grandad had plenty of support from the family!!!  We were sure to collect plenty of candy for Gabby in her bag so that she did not feel left out in the candy department!  We are going through the phase with Gabby where she HATES to be last.  She always has to be first, does not like people to "cut" in line, has to win every competition, etc.  Jeff loves this phase and wants her to have the 'always first' mentality.  I sort of think it could come back and bite her in the rear and wish we could somehow meet in the middle.  However, until then...first is good I guess!  And the bag of candy Gabby had at the end of the parade was top notch!!! 

Have I ever mentioned Maxwell, Gabby's Boyfriend?  This is him.
Well...the back of them.  Isn't he dreamy?   He and Gabby have been in gymnastics together for the past year and have a great time together.  They are two peas in a pod.  Unfortunately, Gabby tends to boss him around a lot.  Max buys into it, for the most part, and pretty much does what she says.  I finally captured a picture of the two of them. 

That's a rap...  I feel like we are caught up to the current.  More to come soon!  Gabby starts preschool at St. Francis and Clare on Tuesday!  Early mornings for us start soon!  7:30-11am...WoWzErS!  Just two days a week.  So not that bad, but definitely an adjustment considering that we don't wake up until 8:30 ish most days.  Very exciting though!!!   

Be back soon...
xoxo, Katie

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